You know something I don't understand about the last two episodes is why clementine couldn't pick a name for the baby. Since it was revealed she was having a boy I figured one of the male characters would die, and she'd name the baby after them. However she could never decide a name for the baby after he was born. Then when she did decide on a name she decided to name the baby after Sam, someone she barely knew and was working with Abigail.
In my opinion she should have named the baby Max after her grandfather. He risked his life, and died protecting the team from the hybrid spheres. Max gave his life, and if it wasn't for him everyone would have died.
Another possibility is she could have named the baby Logan. Yes she had already Samuel, but Logan died trying to protect them. Also we've heard how close clementine and Logan were during the 10 year time jump so his death must have had a big effect on her.
What does everyone else think was it stupid for clementine to name her baby Sam or are you ok with it?